Scenario 5. I want to control one or both of SD-90’s internal tone banks (A and/or B) using an external controller AND re-route all MIDI signals to an external synthesiser or sequencer.
1. Connect a MIDI control surface to one of the SD-90s rear MIDI inputs and ensure “MIDI THRU IN 1 or 2” is enabled on the port you have chosen.
2. Connect the device you wish to control to the corresponding output.
3. Under “external devices”, define which of SD-90s physical inputs your control surface is connected to.
If your controller is connected to input one, you should select “SD-90 MIDI IN 1″
If your controller is connected to input two, you should select “SD-90 MIDI IN 2″
4: Under either “OUT 1 or “OUT 2”, select one of the SD-90’s banks, referred to as “SD-90 PART A and SD-90 PART B”.
If you wish to use Bank/Part A, you should specify “SD-90 Part A” for “OUT 1”
If you wish to use Bank/Part B, you should specify “SD-90 Part B” for “OUT 2”
If you want to use both banks, you should select “SD-90 Part A” for “OUT 1” and “SD-90 Part B ” for “OUT 2. Do not select the same bank under both fields.
5. Use “THRU Port A/B setting” under external devices to determine your choice of virtual keyboard and of which of the SD-90s banks to allocate, then relay or re-route the signals transmitted from the controller to.
Selecting A will refer the signals to virtual keyboard A, then relay or re-route them bank/part A, while B will direct them to keyboard B, then relay or re-route them bank/part B.
6. Use the connected controller to experience a strangely satisfying cacophony.
In the case above.
1: The control surface has been connected to the SD-90s second input “SD-90 MIDI IN 2.
2: Selecting THRU Port A will send the signals to virtual keyboard A, then re-route them to “Bank/Part A” in the SD-90 AND to the device present on output 2.
3: Selecting THRU Port B will forward the signals to virtual keyboard B, then relay them “Bank/Part B” in the SD-90 AND to the device present on output 2.
The “MIDI THRU port setting” in this instance will only dictate which of the the virtual keyboards and which internal synth bank (part A or B) receives messages from the controller connected in step one and its input, as defined under external devices in step three.
It has no effect on which physical output on the SD-90 any data flows to since this has already been determined by enabling “MIDI IN THRU 2” in step 1 hence, output 2 will always re-broadcast any data received by input 2, even when the application is closed.