Shhhhh!. This is the library, allow your imagination time to speak. Actually, no, strike that. I mean, do still allow your imagination time to speak and, make as much noise as you wish. Why shouldn’t you avail yourself such luxuries in a library whose shelves line the walls of your home without occupying one iota of space? A quaint little riddle perhaps, but when it comes to storing books and having a way to instantly read them without your eyes, sound really is quite an effective building material. You’ll have gathered we’re quite fond of it!
These pages are dedicated to the partnership’s proud and consistent efforts, both past and present, to preserve the vastly rewarding traditions of subtle, sonorous sorcery and keen listening!
J.M. Barrie’s enchanting tale, Peter Pan and Wendy was completed and first published in 1911, seven years after a theatrical version had premièred in London. The story was partly inspired by Barrie’s amicable relationship with Arthur and Sylvia Llewelyn Davies, whose five children came into the author’s care following the […]
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” (also known by its shorter title “Alice in Wonderland) was originally published nearly 150 years ago, in November 1865. It was three years before this that the author, Lewis Carrol, whose real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson had first told the story to three young […]
“Through the Looking Glass” is Lewis Carroll’s sequel to “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and was written six years later, in 1871. Several aspects of the storyline are based on similar themes. Where the first story used playing cards to represent numerous characters, the second uses chess pieces. Even Alice […]
The Wind in the Willows is a classic children’s book by Kenneth Grahame, originally published over 100 years ago, in 1908. It tells the adventures of four animal friends who live along a river in the English countryside: Toad, Mole, Rat, and Badger. The story is both notable and […]
These stories present our faithful furry companions in starring roles as they try their best to get along with us, their owners, in the hope that we can do the same for them. Thankfully, all have a happy ending. You can now enjoy the full series right here online, […]
Okomi is a baby chimpanzee created by Helen and Clive Dorman, who are directors and co-founders of The Children’s Project. In these delightful stories, Baby Okomi is introduced to us and we hear about his adventures with his mother, Mama Du. You can listen to some of the stories […]
Hear the songs of Britain’s most famous Birds and many interesting, seed sized facts about each. This series of miniature features was created by us at Abracadabra and incorporates bird song specially recorded by the RSPB. Listen to the series right here. The Blackbird The Blackbird is one of […]
This historic fictional series tells us of the adventures of various animals and about how each came to exsist as those that we know and love today. The stories below are now available to enjoy from beginning to end, right here and whenever you wish, just click and be […]