Highspeed Top Deck Tech Station

The term “millennial” most frequently defines individual whose to adulthood occurred within the early stages of the 21st century.  In general, they are regarded as naive, disillusioned, and largely bereft of survival instincts or what their ancestors might have considered practical skills such as harvesting vegetables,  servicing motorcars, deep cleaning a bathroom or assembling a flat packed granny annex.

For the most juvenile of this generation, I would venture to add “building your own PC” to the list, principally because the lion’s share of “oven ready” solutions that allowed them to work, play and socialise, would only permit them to be “experts” in the games and apps and platforms they supported and not their underlying technology.

Once a memory chip expired, a GPU exploded, or a critical security patch caused sudden and terminal performance degradation, the choice was either; “Get it repaired for the cost of the newer and better one by an official and covert technician, or, throw the whole lot away and buy the newer and better one along with an exorbitant insurance policy to cover defects arising from premeditated design flaws that exist solely to sell such insurance policies and keep such technicians employed.”

Highspeed PC was a company that, by virtue of its wares and philosophy, urges one to take decisive control of their digital destiny.  Somewhat fittingly, it was also one of the last businesses founded prior to the millennium.  Beginning its trade in 1999 it rapidly became established as a niche but respected manufacture of  practical and high quality open-air test chassis for efficient, reliable and highly versatile system integration.

Assembling computers on work benches with all components visible to the user while diodes dance and strategically placed fans blow in the general direction of heat sources is an image one tends to to associate with a hardware review site’s headquarters or an e-tailer’s tech department. Even self-sufficient PC enthusiasts are far too style conscious to consider the mere concept of caseless build.

“That would never do.  Like sticking for wheels four wheels on an engine leaving out a roof, doors and seats.” Many might claim.

Highspeed PC’s rich variety of sturdy, multi-tier workstations prove that going “open air” can be a liberating and life changing experience.

The aesthetic sacrifice one must make is undeniable, though far from grave, after-all, windowed side panels and illuminated interiors have been fashionable for decades and the cosmetic elan provided by a full enclosure is more than equalled by the practical and functional advantages of a solution that brings a resolute and joyous end to de-constructing your entire system in order simply to swap a power supply, replace a hard drive or upgrade a processor and thereafter, nursing weary shoulders, a stiff neck and an aching back.

Most important of all, is the improved well being of hitherto hot housed circuitry.  Heat crimes against silicon are a thing of the past.  No more kvetching over benchmarks, stress tests or marathon gaming sessions as temperatures rocket into the red zone to a whaling chorus of coolers.  As for dust, no worse than the average chassis, just don’t sit it on the carpet.

For further insight into how and why I embraced this effective and rewarding lifestyle , please peruse the gallery below along with my detailed “case history” at the following link.