The Studio

You’ve learned a a little about our set-up and heard a heap a of what it can offer.  Now, for the insatiably curious and technologically disposed, this section doubles as a detailed guided tour of the studio’s artfully appointed apparatus and an ongoing series of long winded rambles, analysing and celebrating what makes the engineer’s ears tingle.

Hoards of facts – hopefully useful – for the harmless hobbyist, passionately conveyed by an author who relies on them as much as any partner in crime.  There are clips too, lots of them, fresh as each day passes.   Masses of MIDI, assortments of audio, stacks of synthesisers  and reams of opinions you might not share…all part the sweet sonic science.

Microsoft Word - Nvidia Video Card Table-(Geforce GTX 980 Ti).docx

Roland SC-8850

My First and Most Senior Roland’s “Sound Canvas” series was consigned to the archives of its manufacturer’s ruthlessly governed website at a time when my hair was not flecked with grey.  So deeply entombed beneath “later and greater” successors that to locate so much as a  manual or driver requires […]


Voices and Tones

Tiresome Tonal Terminology Do cats eat bats or do bats eat cats?  Are voices made from tones or are tones made from voices?  A fleeting reference amidst some earlier waffle concerning the Juno 60’s workings, compounded with Roland’s inability to clarify an answer in their official specifications, means Gigadenzian […]


Synthetic Musings

An Engineeer’s Dilemmas Pottering about in the studio recently in 1764, drew me into a bout of rancorous rewiring. What had stemmed from a triumphant brainwave quickly degenerated into stubborn and painful perseverance, the sort one always experiences when long past the point of no return, yet consumed with a […]